Snoring and Sleep Apnea

snoring sleep apnea

What is Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Let's explain how the snoring sound occurs first. During sleep, the muscles around the respiratory tract relax. Thus, the mucous membranes on the walls of the narrow sections of the airway vibrate, creating the sound of snoring. As the air passage narrows, breathing also decreases. It is even possible for the channel to close completely and breathing to stop completely. If breathing stops for more than 10 seconds, a syndrome called sleep apnea occurs.

A sleep test called polysomnography is performed to diagnose sleep disorders and determine which type of problem is present. According to the apnea-hypopnea index obtained in this test, it is revealed which of the three groups you have: simple snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome and sleep apnea syndrome.

Simple Snoring

In order to talk about the presence of simple snoring, the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) must be below 5, the oxygen saturation in the blood during sleep must be above 90 percent, and the esophagus pressure during breathing must be below the -10 cm water level.

Upper Respiratory Tract Resistance Syndrome

Approximately 10-15 percent of patients presenting with complaints of snoring and daytime sleepiness have upper respiratory tract resistance syndrome. This problem, which is encountered equally in men and women, is more common in children. The most important criteria are excessive daytime sleepiness, increased respiratory arousal index, snoring and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) below 5.


Sleep Apnea Syndrome

If the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) is above 5 and the oxygen saturation in the blood is below 90 percent during sleep, we can talk about obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. If the sleep apnea index is between 5-20, it means you have mild sleep apnea, between 20-40, you have moderate sleep apnea, and above 40, you have severe sleep apnea. To speak of severe sleep apnea, it is sufficient for blood oxygen saturation to be below 60 percent. If it is below 85 percent, moderate sleep apnea can be mentioned.

In patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, AHI is above 5 and oxygen saturation is below 90 percent. If the sleep apnea index is between 5 and 20, it means mild, between 20 and 40, it means moderate, and above 40, it means severe sleep apnea. In addition, if blood oxygen saturation is below 85 percent, moderate sleep apnea can be mentioned, and if it is below 60 percent, severe sleep apnea can be mentioned.

Who Gets Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Simple snoring may actually be mild sleep apnea. The incidence rate in men under the age of 30 is 30 percent. This rate may increase to 60 percent in men over the age of 60. People who are over their ideal weight are more likely to have snoring and sleep apnea. Mild sleep apnea syndrome is more common than other degrees.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment

Determining the treatment method is related to the degree of the disease. Non-surgical treatment methods such as medication, compressed air face masks, oral appliances and lifestyle changes can be tried. If there is another disease that causes snoring or apnea, surgical treatment can be applied for that disease.

Sleep apnea

Living Condition Changes

  • People who have snoring and sleep apnea problems are usually overweight. Therefore, the first thing to do is to reach the ideal weight.
  • Cigarettes, alcohol and sedatives are not suitable for sleep apnea patients.
  • It is not suitable to lie on your back. It is recommended to sleep in a side position.
  • Additional diseases that may cause sleep apnea should be treated.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Surgery

Nasal congestion can cause snoring and sleep apnea syndrome. Therefore, nasal congestion must be treated. If the cause of nasal congestion is septum deviation, surgical intervention is required. For nasal flesh enlargement, laser treatment (radiofrequency) can be applied in the operating room environment. If the soft palate is sagging, palate shrinkage surgery is performed, if the throat passage is narrow, widening surgery is performed, and if it is caused by tonsils, tonsillectomy is performed. Several of these may occur together. In more problematic cases, tongue reduction, laryngeal suspension surgery and surgeries related to the lower or upper jaw may be performed.

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