It is inflammation of the tonsils caused by viruses or bacteria. It usually manifests itself with symptoms such as sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever and swelling of the tonsils. Tonsillitis As a result, the tonsils become red and may have white or yellow spots on them. Treatment is usually with antibiotics or antiviral drugs. In severe cases, surgery may be required. It is especially common in children.
Tonsillitis Symptoms
The most common symptom is a sore throat that worsens when swallowing. Tonsillitis accompanied by swelling and redness. White or yellow spots may appear on the tonsils. Swollen tonsils can cause pain and difficulty swallowing. Another symptom is increased body temperature (fever).
Inflammation can cause bad breath. Swelling in the neck and under the jaw can occur as a result of swelling of the lymph nodes in the area where the tonsils are located. Inflammation can weaken the body and cause general symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. These symptoms are usually tonsillitis varies depending on severity.
What Causes Tonsillitis?
Infections caused by common viruses such as colds or flu can cause inflammation. Viral infections are the most common causes. Streptococcal bacteria, especially Streptococcus pyogenes, cause infection in the tonsils. It can cause inflammation. Bacterial tonsillitis usually requires antibiotic treatment. In addition to these factors, individuals with weak immune systems and environmental factors such as air pollution and cigarette smoke also increase susceptibility.
How Is Tonsillitis Diagnosed?
The doctor will look inside the throat to see if there is swelling, redness, white spots or pus in the tonsils. He/she will also check for swelling in the lymph nodes in the neck area. If a bacterial infection is to be determined, the doctor will take a swab from the throat. He/she may examine it in a laboratory. This test is used to confirm the presence of streptococcal bacteria. In some cases, the doctor tonsillitis blood test is required to determine the type. A complete blood count is performed to rule out diseases such as mononucleosis, especially in viral infections. With the help of these methods, the cause of the inflammation is determined and an appropriate treatment plan is created.
How is Tonsillitis Treated?
If the inflammation is caused by bacteria, streptococcus bacteria, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Regular use of antibiotics will help to eliminate the infection. The treatment period usually lasts 10 days and the symptoms may subside in a few days. The full course of antibiotics should be used, and the treatment should not be interrupted even if the symptoms disappear. Tonsillitis Painkillers and antipyretics can be used to relieve pain and fever caused by the infection.
Usually, medications containing paracetamol or ibuprofen are preferred. Gargling with warm salt water can relieve irritation and inflammation in the throat. This method helps relieve symptoms. It is important to not become dehydrated during an infection. Liquids such as hot herbal teas, water and soup can soothe the throat. It is important to rest and get enough sleep so that the immune system can fight the infection. Chronic and recurring tonsillitis In some cases, surgical removal of the tonsils may be necessary. This method is used in people who have more than three serious infections a year and have swallowing problems. It is best to consult a doctor for treatment.