It is a condition in which breathing becomes difficult due to narrowing or blockage of the nasal passages. Nasal congestion It usually occurs due to colds, allergies, sinusitis or structural disorders inside the nose. This condition may be related to inflammation of the nasal mucosa or excessive mucus production. It can negatively affect the overall quality of life by reducing the quality of sleep and may require treatment.

What are the symptoms of nasal congestion?

What is Nasal Congestion?Nasal congestion, It makes breathing difficult due to the narrowing of the nasal passages. It is usually accompanied by a runny nose. The discharge can be thin and watery or thick and mucous. Frequent sneezing can occur in conditions such as allergic rhinitis. Breathing through the mouth due to congestion can dry out the throat and cause irritation. A stuffy nose can cause pressure on the sinuses, leading to headaches.

It can cause puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. It can cause a decrease in the sense of smell and taste. Poor sleep quality and constant discomfort can cause general fatigue. A runny nose that runs down the throat can cause a chronic cough. Sinus congestion and fullness can cause a feeling of pressure and blockage in the ears. Nasal congestion It is important to determine the underlying cause and start the appropriate treatment. For this, it is important to consult an ear, nose and throat specialist.

What Causes Nasal Congestion?

Viral infections such as colds and flu can cause swelling and congestion of the nasal mucosa. Allergens such as pollen, dust, and animal hair can cause inflammation and congestion of the nasal mucosa. In cases of inflammation of the sinuses, nasal congestion It is frequently seen. Acute or chronic sinusitis can cause this condition. It can be caused by a deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps or enlarged adenoids. Polluted air and cigarette smoke can irritate the nasal mucosa and cause congestion.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause swelling and congestion in the nasal mucosa. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is another possible cause. Some medications can cause dryness and swelling in the nasal mucosa, which can lead to congestion. The cause should be determined and treatment should be applied accordingly. If nasal congestion If it becomes chronic or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to consult an ENT specialist.

Nasal Congestion Treatment Methods

What is Nasal Congestion?Nasal sprays and oral medications can provide temporary relief. Antihistamines control allergic reactions. Saline solutions can help relieve it by moistening the nasal passages. Warm steam opens the nasal passages. nasal congestion can fix the problem. It can be applied while taking a shower or using a steam device. Surgical procedures such as septoplasty or rhinoplasty can be performed.

Allergy testing and treatments such as immunotherapy may help. Nasal corticosteroids reduce inflammation. They may help relieve congestion caused by chronic sinusitis or allergic rhinitis. Drinking plenty of water can help thin mucus and keep nasal passages open. Lying with your head slightly elevated may help. Nasal congestion The recommendation of an ENT specialist is important in choosing a treatment method for. The most appropriate treatment method should be determined depending on the cause of your complaints.

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